The 2017 VT Benefits Survey is now Open!
Since 2001, Hickok & Boardman HR Intelligence has conducted an annual survey of Vermont area employers, capturing their thoughts and actions as they respond to the ever-changing benefits marketplace.
We are pleased to announce the launch of our 2017 Vermont Employee Benefits Survey and cordially invite you to participate by clicking the following link:
2017 Vermont Employee Benefits Survey
With major health care reform changes occuring, it is more important than ever to get a baseline for health care costs and benefits. We strongly urge your organization to participate this year so that we may provide the Vermont business community with representative findings later this year.
The survey takes approximately 45 minutes to complete, but you may suspend and resume the survey over multiple sessions for your convenience. When you begin the survey, you will receive instructions and a list of the information required to complete the survey. Individual survey responses are strictly confidential; only aggregate data will be reported.
All survey participants will receive an electronic copy of the results later this year.
Please complete the survey by Wednesday, June 28th, 2017 . If you have questions about the survey or experience technical difficulties, please contact Stacey Sharp at [email protected].
Thank you in advance for your participation.